Gun Rights

After Cargill, ATF’s Legal Woes Are Likely to Continue

After Cargill, ATF’s Legal Woes Are Likely to Continue

A recent Supreme Court decision affects ATF’s efforts to redefine gun regulations.

The Court Reaffirms that Agencies Cannot Rewrite Laws

The Court Reaffirms that Agencies Cannot Rewrite Laws

New limits on ATF’s ability to expand statutory scope by redefining key terms may have broader implications.

Cargill and the Regulatory Time Gap

Cargill and the Regulatory Time Gap

The time elapsed since the passage of an authorizing statute may influence how the Court views new regulations.

A Unanimous Court Sides with the NRA in Free Speech Case

A Unanimous Court Sides with the NRA in Free Speech Case

The Court condemned regulator pressure to cut ties with the gun industry to mitigate financial risk.

One Year On, Bruen Really Is As Bad As It Reads

One Year On, Bruen Really Is As Bad As It Reads

The Supreme Court rigidly limits governments to simplistic, outdated solutions to firearm violence.

Arguments Against a “Statutory Second Amendment”

Arguments Against a “Statutory Second Amendment”

Scholar argues that state laws preempting local gun regulation hinder progress.

An End Run Around the Gun Industry Liability Shield

An End Run Around the Gun Industry Liability Shield

New York lawmakers’ attempt to regulate guns will result in significant legal challenges.

What Firearms Law and Regulatory Scholarship Can Learn from Each Other

What Firearms Law and Regulatory Scholarship Can Learn from Each Other

Firearms law and regulatory scholars must come together to tackle the gun control problem.

Effective Gun Regulation Can Be Compatible with Gun Rights

Effective Gun Regulation Can Be Compatible with Gun Rights

Lobbying and appropriations limits undermine the enforcement of gun regulations.