On Immigration, Trump Is No Deregulator
The Trump Administration has significantly increased regulation of immigration—to the nation’s detriment.
The Fight Against the Travel Ban
Federal courts’ blocking of President Trump’s travel bans reaffirms the strength of the American system.
Revisiting Deference to Agencies in Criminal Deportation Cases
Scholar argues against using agency interpretations of immigration law in criminal deportation cases.
The Cost of the Immigration Detention Bed Quota
Scholar argues that bed quotas financially burden taxpayers and may violate the law.
Dispatches from the DNC – Day 1 Recap
Following the fallout over a massive email leak, the Democratic Party sought to unite on the Convention’s opening night.
Executive Power After United States v. Texas
This closely watched case highlights larger lessons about the limits on executive power.
The Supreme Court’s 2015–2016 Regulatory Term
The Regulatory Review highlights the regulatory decisions from the Supreme Court’s past term.
What Will the Regulatory Landscape Look Like in 2021?
Regulatory priorities and strategies are likely to hold constant in the near future.
Fifth Circuit Panel Blocks Immigration Program
Court holds that Obama Administration plan to allow up to 4 million illegal immigrants to work legally in U.S. violates administrative law.
Regulatory Redo for Temporary Work Visas
Florida district court sends federal agencies back to the drawing board.
Proposed Safeguards for Free Immigration Legal Services
Proposed rule could improve the accuracy of government list of free sources of legal aid.