Judicial Review

Court-Proofing the Administrative State

Court-Proofing the Administrative State

Recent Supreme Court rulings create the need to insulate administrative decisions from judicial review.

Choosing the Court to Review Agency Rulemaking

Choosing the Court to Review Agency Rulemaking

ACUS’s recommendation on judicial review of federal regulations provides much-needed clarity.

Seeking Continuous Improvement to the Administrative Process

Seeking Continuous Improvement to the Administrative Process

ACUS identifies best practices for agency guidance, adjudications, and responses to constituent service requests.

A Legal Earthquake

A Legal Earthquake

With several key decisions this term, the Supreme Court has shaken up prevailing governing doctrines and produced substantial legal uncertainty.

The Imperial Supreme Court

The Imperial Supreme Court

Loper Bright significantly expands the power of the Supreme Court at the expense of democratic institutions of government.

The End of the Chevron Era

The End of the Chevron Era

The Administrative Procedure Act empowers courts—not agencies—to decide a statute’s single best meaning.

The Supreme Court’s 2023-2024 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2023-2024 Regulatory Term

Scholars and practitioners assess the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions of its recently concluded term.

The Adjudicatory Capacity to Make Decisions

The Adjudicatory Capacity to Make Decisions

Scholar suggests that increasing the number of support staff would improve the accuracy of administrative adjudication.

Rejecting Two-Faced Explanations by Agencies

Rejecting Two-Faced Explanations by Agencies

Scholar argues that recent Supreme Court decisions create a new vision of agency accountability to the public.

The APA’s Antidiscrimination Failure

The APA’s Antidiscrimination Failure

Scholars explain how courts have interpreted the Administrative Procedure Act to overlook racial discrimination.

A Local Lens on Administrative Law

A Local Lens on Administrative Law

Scholar brings the focus of administrative law to the level of municipal government.

A Fili-Busted Balance of Power

A Fili-Busted Balance of Power

The filibuster has caused Congress to give up its constitutional power to oversee the administrative state.