Judicial Review

Employers, Whistleblowers, and Polluters Before the Supreme Court

Employers, Whistleblowers, and Polluters Before the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s 2014-15 regulatory decisions affected environmental law, employment discrimination, and public safety.

Dr. Seuss, Amtrak, and Dentists at the Supreme Court

Dr. Seuss, Amtrak, and Dentists at the Supreme Court

The Court’s decisions this term ranged from agencies’ regulatory interpretations to Congress’ power to delegate authority.

Simplicity Trumps Logical Coherence

Simplicity Trumps Logical Coherence

The Supreme Court upholds its concededly “incorrect” ban on post-expiration patent royalties.

The Supreme Court’s Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s Regulatory Term

The Regulatory Review highlights the regulatory decisions from the Supreme Court’s past term.

Hundreds of Recent Final Rules Are Technically Unlawful

Hundreds of Recent Final Rules Are Technically Unlawful

Agencies apparently fail to comply with a mandatory reporting requirement for many federal regulations.

Chevron’s Lack of Statutory Support

Chevron’s Lack of Statutory Support

“If you had to distill the Chevron doctrine to nine words, I do not think you could do better than: ‘When I am confused, I go with the agency.'”

Chevron Undermines Checks and Balances

Chevron Undermines Checks and Balances

It is time to reconsider the extent to which we apply Chevron.

A More Sensible Approach to Vesting Jurisdiction for Judicial Review of Agency Decisions

A More Sensible Approach to Vesting Jurisdiction for Judicial Review of Agency Decisions

A clearer framework is needed to address jurisdiction questions in legal actions against agencies.

Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Agencies can improve both regulatory analysis and decision-making by establishing internal review capacity.

Learning from the FDA’s Plan B Fiasco

Learning from the FDA’s Plan B Fiasco

Plan B episode calls for reconsidering the scope of judicial review and the role of politics in rulemaking.

Are IRS Revenue Rulings Eligible for Chevron Review?

Are IRS Revenue Rulings Eligible for Chevron Review?

Pending Supreme Court tax case raises key statutory interpretation issue.

Federal Courts Split on Constitutionality of Individual Mandate in Health Care Law

Federal Courts Split on Constitutionality of Individual Mandate in Health Care Law

Two district courts uphold insurance mandate, but two other courts find it unconstitutional.