
Reforming Labor Law

Reforming Labor Law

Benjamin Sachs discusses the need for labor-law reform and explains how state and local governments can increase worker power.

What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB

What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB

An overlooked Supreme Court decision may give courts more discretion to second-guess the NLRB.

The Markets Are Up, but Workers’ Power Is Down

The Markets Are Up, but Workers’ Power Is Down

Scholars recommend ways for regulators level the playing field by empowering workers.

Reviving Workers’ Bargaining Power Amidst Evolving Tech

Reviving Workers’ Bargaining Power Amidst Evolving Tech

Scholar proposes a new regulatory model to strengthen workers’ bargaining powers.

Reforming Occupational Enforcement

Reforming Occupational Enforcement

Scholar proposes a method of enforcing American worker-protection laws and curbing employer retaliation.

Can Increased Trucker Salaries Lead to Safer Roadways?

Can Increased Trucker Salaries Lead to Safer Roadways?

Scholars argue that higher truck driver wages promote driver compliance with safety regulations.

Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers

Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers

Scholars argue that the best way to improve labor law is to change union election rules.

The Consequences of a Subminimum Wage

The Consequences of a Subminimum Wage

Debate ensues over the consequences of eliminating an exemption to the federal minimum wage for tipped employees.

Fashion, Sustainability, and the New York Fashion Act

Fashion, Sustainability, and the New York Fashion Act

A New York State bill seeks to regulate the fashion industry’s social and environmental impacts.

Paying the Price of Regulating Childcare

Paying the Price of Regulating Childcare

Scholars argue that increased regulation in the childcare industry has unintended consequences.

Regulating Prison Labor

Regulating Prison Labor

Experts are debating whether current workplace protections adequately shield incarcerated workers.

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Scholar shows how current antitrust remedies fail to consider effects on workers.