What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB
An overlooked Supreme Court decision may give courts more discretion to second-guess the NLRB.
The Markets Are Up, but Workers’ Power Is Down
Scholars recommend ways for regulators level the playing field by empowering workers.
Reforming Occupational Enforcement
Scholar proposes a method of enforcing American worker-protection laws and curbing employer retaliation.
Workplace Hazards for Meat and Poultry Workers
Scholars explore line speed and worker safety regulations governing meatpacking and poultry plants.
Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers
Scholars argue that the best way to improve labor law is to change union election rules.
Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Tipping?
Commentator argues that tipping should be abolished because it promotes wage theft and inequality.
Are Child Labor Protections Working?
Scholars debate making changes to child labor regulations to improve protection of youth.