Biden Administration Introduces New Rule Intended to Curb Obesity
New Rule Seeks to Expand Medicare and Medicaid Coverage of Weight Loss Drugs.
CMS Confronts an Increase in Medicare Part B Premiums
CMS reconsiders a recent Medicare premium increase after restricting coverage for a controversial new drug.
Watchdog Highlights Challenges of Medicare Payment Program
Congressional accountability office reviews first three years of value-based health care program.
Medicare and Chevron in the Supreme Court’s New Term
With two Medicare cases, the U.S. Supreme Court may change an important rule on deference to agency decisions.
Regulating Drugs at a Discount
Scholars examine the effectiveness of the contentious 340B Drug Pricing Program.
Promoting Primary Care in Medicine
Experts suggest changing Medicare’s payment structure to encourage physicians to pursue primary care specialties.
Supreme Court to Review Notice Requirements for Medicare Payment Rules
Court’s ruling could determine the procedure for changing hospital reimbursement formulas.
When the Health Care Market Cannot Regulate Itself
Vermont moves to an all-payer system in regulating prices for health care services.
Pennsylvania Seeks New Approach to Long-Term Medicaid Services
State explores Medicaid changes to improve care for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
Electronic Medicare Cards Could Reduce Fraud, Improve Care
GAO report suggests replacing paper Medicare cards with newer technology.
Five States Allow Women’s Health Medicaid Programs to Lapse
Low-income women may soon lose access to low-cost or free family planning.
Federal Government Looks to Revise Home Health Care Guidelines
Proposed rule would revise Medicare certification requirements for home health agencies.