Obama’s Ozone Decision Shows Clearly Who’s in Charge
Letter from OIRA Administrator Sunstein emphasizes President’s role.
Obama Asks EPA to Delay Ozone Standards
Concerns over economy clash with more stringent air pollution standards.
ACUS Committee Discusses Online Access to Rulemaking
Committee investigates how to improve public access via the Internet.
Congress Needs Its Own Regulatory Review Office
OIRA oversight of regulation is necessary, but not sufficient.
Expand Centralized Regulatory Review to Independent Agencies
Congress should require independent regulatory commissions to perform cost-benefit analyses
Senate Committee Continues Review of Regulatory Reform Bills
Two former OIRA Administrators testify at hearing.
Rulemakings at the Fed, CFPB Need White House Supervision
After Dodd-Frank, financial regulations of independent agencies should be subject to OIRA review.
Senate Committee Hears Regulatory Reform Testimony
Senators challenge Cass Sunstein on agency reform and legislative oversight.
Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements
Codifying cost-benefit analysis requirements of Executive Order would preempt valuable nuances of current review system.
Agency Calculations of the Value of Statistical Lives Saved
Regulatory agencies change monetary values used when analyzing life-saving regulations.
The Administration’s Regulatory Review Plans Move Toward Evidence-Based Governance
The White House has just released the first plans for retrospective reviews of existing regulations from thirty agencies, making a notable step toward evidence-based governance.
House Subcommittee Considers Codifying Agency CBA
Witnesses agree about the importance of thorough cost-benefit analysis.