Regulatory Analysis: Year in Review

Regulatory Analysis: Year in Review

We feature our top analysis essays from 2012.

Regulation’s Impact on Jobs

Regulation’s Impact on Jobs

Why requiring a regulatory impact analysis on jobs is ill-advised.

Penn Conference Dissects the Impact of Regulation on Jobs

Penn Conference Dissects the Impact of Regulation on Jobs

Conference at Penn Law analyzes effects of regulation on employment and offers guidance for policymakers.

Trickle-down Regulatory Impact Analysis

Trickle-down Regulatory Impact Analysis

Does the president’s political party lead to better or worse RIAs?

Regulating at Midnight

Regulating at Midnight

Are regulatory analyses worse when rules are issued in the closing days of an outgoing administration?

Improving How Agencies Collect Information

Improving How Agencies Collect Information

My recent ACUS report presents three conclusions to frame proposed improvements.

Can the White House Trim U.S. Paperwork?

Can the White House Trim U.S. Paperwork?

OIRA memo is admirable but bolder action by Congress may be needed.

PPR Hosts Washington Workshop on Economic Impacts of Regulation

PPR Hosts Washington Workshop on Economic Impacts of Regulation

Roundtable in Washington D.C. focuses on analyzing regulatory impacts on employment.

Strong Politics, Weak Prospects

Strong Politics, Weak Prospects

Romney’s plan is a promising political statement, but its practical suggestions fall short.

Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?

Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?

Romney’s proposals could be productive changes to regulatory review policy.

Valuing the Rear-view Camera Rule

Valuing the Rear-view Camera Rule

NHTSA’s analysis cannot support its conclusion that the benefits justify the costs.

A New Measure of the Quality of Regulatory Analysis

A New Measure of the Quality of Regulatory Analysis

Our Report Card project scores the use of regulatory analysis in agency rulemakings.