Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis
The economic foundations of Executive Order 12,866 underscore its continued importance in regulatory review.
Restoring Science and Economics to EPA’s Benefit Calculation
EPA’s proposed transparency rules would make the agency’s analyses more scientifically rigorous.
Responding to Anti-Regulatory Tropes
Marchand’s argument questions key regulatory processes and ignores the net benefits of regulation.
Regulatory Process in Dire Need of Reform
EPA exemplifies how agency rulemaking pushes the boundaries of lawful policymaking.
Regulating Cost-Benefit Analysis
EPA’s advance notice raises fundamental questions about how the agency should weigh costs and benefits.
Thinking Through OIRA Review of Tax Regulations
OIRA review of significant tax rules raises new questions about the shape of centralized administrative oversight.
Pruitt’s Super-Polluting Parting Shot
Former EPA Administrator’s last action may foreshadow the agency’s future plans for regulating pollution.
Improve Regulation, Do Not Repeal It
The deregulatory agenda should be replaced with a regulatory improvement agenda.
Structural Reforms to Improve Cost-Benefit Analyses of Financial Regulation
Independent agencies should mirror executive branch practices to overcome judicial scrutiny.
Mulvaney Is Right to Call for More Money for OMB
Expanding a White House office could help shrink the whole federal government.
Trump’s Alternative Economics of Climate Change
The Trump Administration’s new social cost of carbon policy muddies the waters.
The Race Question
OMB proposal to revise its racial and ethnic categories may better reflect America’s changing demographics.