Does Regulation Kill Jobs?
New book from Penn Program on Regulation explores the connection between regulation and employment.
Despite Corporate Efforts, Labor Standards Remain Stagnant
PPR seminar focuses on the failure of private action to improve factory working conditions.
Penn Seminar Explores New Responses to Flood Risks
Experts ask if super-storms require new approaches to risk regulation, insurance, and disaster management.
Penn Seminar Explores Risk Management as Instrument for Economic Development
Authors of World Bank report advocate move from ‘crisis fighting’ to systematic risk management.
RegBlog’s Next Chapter
With the launch of a new, innovative website, continues to pursue unconventional ambitions.
Do Regulations Kill Jobs?
PPR holds Washington workshop showcasing latest research on employment impacts.
White House Review of Regulation: Myths and Realities
The Regulatory Review features the remarks of Cass R. Sunstein, keynote speaker at the Penn Program on Regulation’s annual regulation dinner at Penn Law.
When It Comes to Regulation, Europe is the New United States
PPR seminar speaker argues that Europe has become a global leader in regulation, US more restrained.
How Do Industry Insiders View Regulations?
New study categorizes perceptions of regulators in the workplace.
Using Transnational Commercial Contracts to Regulate Business
New research examines how such contracts can influence so-called soft-law policies.
The Regulatory Practitioner
The Regulatory Review is proud to feature the remarks of John F. Cooney, keynote speaker at the first annual regulation dinner at Penn Law.
Regulating Systemic Risk
PPR seminar speaker argues that financial regulation cannot eliminate systemic risk.