OIRA Reinvigorated
Over the last two years, OIRA has made many positive contributions to the administrative state.
Deregulatory Realities and Illusions
President Trump’s claims that deregulation has greatly helped the economy are exaggerated.
Regulatory Agenda Offers Glimpse Into Obama Adminstration Priorities
Agenda details some of the Administration’s high priority rules for 2016.
Congressional Productivity’s Impact on Regulatory Agendas
Scholar examines how high- and low-productivity in Congress shapes regulators’ ability to implement statutes.
Sue-and-Settle Bill Threatens a Delicate Equilibrium
Deadline suits may offer key opportunity to even the playing field in regulatory agenda-setting.
We Shouldn’t Dismiss “Sue and Settle” – or Other Regulatory Problems
Sue and settle tactics may influence agency behavior and rulemaking.
The Debate Over “Sue-and-Settle” Legislation
The Regulatory Review post sparks further debate over recent bill to curb negotiated agreements about rulemaking.
Improving Regulatory Agenda-Setting
Penn Program on Regulation workshop focuses on key factors shaping regulatory agendas.