Regulatory Reform

Updating the Congressional Review Act

Updating the Congressional Review Act

Congress should modify the Congressional Review Act to enhance clarity and improve oversight of agencies.

Priorities and the State of Implicit Bias in Crimmigration

Priorities and the State of Implicit Bias in Crimmigration

Written immigration enforcement priorities might promote transparency but still might not address inequities.

Race and Regulation

Race and Regulation

Experts examine how regulatory policies disproportionately affect communities of color.

Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights through Attorney Regulation

Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights through Attorney Regulation

Diversity training and professional conduct rules can improve LGBTQ experiences with government and the law.

Older LGBTQ+ Adults Deserve Comprehensive Policy Interventions

Older LGBTQ+ Adults Deserve Comprehensive Policy Interventions

Federal and state reforms are needed to protect elderly LGBTQ+ individuals.

Shaping Administrative Process and Metrics of Ambition

Shaping Administrative Process and Metrics of Ambition

President Biden’s first executive actions provide lessons on presidential authority and ambition.

Lessons in Presidential Authority

Lessons in Presidential Authority

President Trump’s last executive actions and President Biden’s early ones reveal fleeting nature of executive power.

To Democratize Regulation, Reform Regulatory Analysis

To Democratize Regulation, Reform Regulatory Analysis

Regulators must incorporate public values into their cost-benefit analyses.

Moving Toward Comprehensibility in the Legal System

Moving Toward Comprehensibility in the Legal System

We need to extend and expand an overdue conversation about clarity in the U.S. legal system.

The Elusive Pursuit of Comprehensibility

The Elusive Pursuit of Comprehensibility

Simplified communication may not fix incomprehensible disclosures.

Machine Learning Could Make Government More Incomprehensible

Machine Learning Could Make Government More Incomprehensible

Misaligned incentives can encourage incomprehensibility.

Incomprehensibility is a Trust Problem

Incomprehensibility is a Trust Problem

Agencies and stakeholders have incentives to speak to each other incomprehensibly.