Regulatory Reform

How Transportation Safety Review Can Play a Role in Regulating Law Enforcement

How Transportation Safety Review Can Play a Role in Regulating Law Enforcement

An agency modeled after the federal transportation safety board could promote safety for the public and police.

Can Canada School Trump on Regulatory Reform?

Can Canada School Trump on Regulatory Reform?

As Trump takes aim at regulation, Canada’s experience with regulatory budgeting offers a possible template.

Unraveling Trump’s “Two-for-One” Regulatory Reform Plan

Unraveling Trump’s “Two-for-One” Regulatory Reform Plan

Scholar considers how costs and benefits might be calculated under a regulatory offsets system.

Potential Legislative Developments in the Regulatory State in 2017

Potential Legislative Developments in the Regulatory State in 2017

The 115th Congress brings great promise for the Republican agenda, although not all planned reforms will happen overnight.

Nudging Away from Personal Choice

Nudging Away from Personal Choice

Economist argues that energy-efficiency regulations are riddled with problems and espouses their elimination.

Is Government Truly Broken?

Is Government Truly Broken?

Citizens and their leaders must strive to work together to solve problems and improve social and economic conditions.

Hill Briefing Addresses Regulatory Challenges for Next Administration

Hill Briefing Addresses Regulatory Challenges for Next Administration

Public Citizen and the Coalition for Sensible Safeguards convened panels of regulatory experts.

Red Tape on the Upswing

Red Tape on the Upswing

Experts argue that the number and cost of regulations sharply rose in 2015—at a rate that has held steady in 2016.

GAO Calls on Government Leaders to Revisit Financial Regulatory Reform

GAO Calls on Government Leaders to Revisit Financial Regulatory Reform

Government Accountability Office issues report finding oversight system too fragmented and complex.

Rethinking the Compliance Curriculum

Rethinking the Compliance Curriculum

Compliance classes should differ depending on students’ career paths and types of risks the class addresses.

A Different Approach to Teaching Regulatory Law and Policy

A Different Approach to Teaching Regulatory Law and Policy

Addressing how policy and law influence regulation is a critical—and overlooked—part of regulatory curriculum.

On Teaching Compliance

On Teaching Compliance

Compliance should be incorporated into administrative law as well as offered as a separate upper-class course.