Resetting Expectations for New Media
Scholars suggest that easy access to information may not increase meaningful public engagement in policymaking.
The Democratic Case for Job Impact Analysis
Integrating employment effects into regulatory impact analysis could improve the public debate on regulation.
A Better Way to Study the Effects of Regulation on Employment
New study proposes a better way to take employment effects into account in rulemaking.
The Unemployment Costs of Regulation
Traditional forms of analysis may underestimate unemployment costs, skewing cost-benefit analysis of regulations.
Can Risk Assessment Help Us Determine if Regulations Kill Jobs?
Quantitative risk assessment, currently used to evaluate environmental and health hazards, can also analyze regulations’ impact on jobs.
Analyzing Regulation’s Effect on Jobs
Lisa Robinson argues that recent high unemployment highlights the need to assess employment effects of regulation.
Informing the Debate over Regulation’s Impact on Jobs
Debate over regulation’s effects on employment would benefit from better policy analysis.
Does Regulation Kill Jobs?
New book from Penn Program on Regulation explores the connection between regulation and employment.
House Subcommittee Considers Scrubbing Away “Burdensome” Regulations
New bill would empower an independent commission to force agencies to eliminate or amend rules.
Improving Regulation Requires Closer Scrutiny of Benefits
Many regulations fail to demonstrate a need for agency action.
House Subcommittee Airs Debate Over “Secret Law”
Public access to regulations takes center stage at congressional hearing.
The Problem of Political Ignorance
Voter ignorance bolsters arguments for judicial review and limited government.