Reliable and Climate-Friendly Electricity Markets
Scholar argues that outsourcing electricity market design hinders government climate and reliability efforts.
Shoring Up The Critical Mineral Supply
Scholars discuss the critical mineral supply chain and the renewable energy transition
How to Use Cheap Renewable Energy
Renewable energy in the United States has declined in cost, but electricity transmission remains a challenge.
Rural Backlash Could Impede Climate Ambition
Efforts to triple renewable energy capacity may face resistance from citizens in rural areas.
The Underused Field for Clean Energy
Congress and agencies should make better use of land use authorities to meet clean energy goals.
Technology, Not Subsidies, Is the Key to Electrification
Proponents of electrification often overlook its economic drawbacks, including inefficiencies from subsidizing new technologies.
The Green Clash Between Renewables and Conservation
Scholars argue that federal agencies can conserve land and still increase renewable energy output.
What Will It Take for the Electric Vehicle Transition to Hit the Gas?
Penn Program on Regulation panel highlights policy options for accelerating the transition to electric vehicles.
How the Current Siting Regime Stifles Renewable Energy
Scholar argues for changes to siting regulations to speed up renewable energy deployment.
The Australian Model for Rooftop Solar Energy
Australian regulators demonstrate the benefits and drawbacks of locally driven policy.
Navigating Stormy Waters for Offshore Wind Development
Offshore wind developers face regulatory approval challenges.