The Need to Change Jurisdiction Over the U.S. Electric Grid
When state and local voters prohibit clean energy transmission lines, they halt progress on climate change mitigation.
Zombie Laws Haunt the Energy Market
Scholar argues that energy regulations that once protected consumers now block renewable energy companies.
Achieving Climate Goals Will Require Sound Energy Storage Policies
Clean energy systems will not reduce emissions unless states promote effective energy storage policies.
Energy Policy’s Orphaned Good Idea
Lawmakers are missing an opportunity to support renewable energy infrastructure.
Solar Panels on a Border Wall
Economic, environmental, and policy considerations underlie the President’s “solar wall” proposal.
How Much Power Do States Have to Encourage Clean Energy?
After a recent Supreme Court decision, questions remain about what states can do to regulate electricity.
The Role for State Regulation of Energy Markets
Penn’s Kleinman Center for Energy Policy convenes energy policy roundtable.
Filling Up the Gas Tank with Corn, Sugar Cane, and Wood
EPA moves to increase support for ethanol and other renewable fuels.
Nevada Rate Change Signals the Start of Larger Utilities Battle
A utility commission decision—criticized for discouraging solar energy—highlights challenges facing the electricity sector.
What Will the Regulatory Landscape Look Like in 2021?
Regulatory priorities and strategies are likely to hold constant in the near future.
Regulating Renewable Energy
Agencies work with California to tap into the energy potential of the Mojave Desert.