FDA’s “Belt and Suspenders” Approach to Mifepristone Approval
Political pressure and wary regulators shaped FDA’s mifepristone approval in 2000.
Protecting the Reproductive Autonomy of Disabled People
Scholar proposes regulatory solutions to protect disabled individuals’ reproductive autonomy.
The Past, Present, and Future of EMTALA
Scholars discuss EMTALA’s effects on physicians and argue for its continued use.
The Growing Crisis of Maternity Care Deserts
Scholars, politicians, and advocates expose maternal health care disparities and propose regulatory solutions.
Freedom From Compelled Pregnancy and Childbirth
Scholar argues that the First Amendment guarantees the right to abortion.
The Regulation of Assisted Reproduction
Experts discuss the role of regulation in standardizing fertility treatment.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers, State-Funded Harm, and State-Based Solutions
As the Supreme Court evaluates abortion laws, states should bolster reproductive rights and better regulate CPCs.
Criminalizing Pregnancy Loss
Laws that impose criminal penalties for pregnancy loss regulate the conduct of pregnant people.
Protecting the Right to Express Milk
Scholar argues that lactation policies need to do more to protect parents’ rights.
Cracking the Egg Donation Market
The booming U.S. egg donation industry requires more regulation to safeguard donor welfare.
Reversing Roe in Texas
Under the state’s recently enacted restrictions, experts say access to abortion has been effectively gutted.
The Wild West of Fertility Clinics
Legal experts argue that the fertility industry is largely unregulated and poses risks to patients.