
Supreme Court Should Not Review Phony Separation of Powers Case

Supreme Court Should Not Review Phony Separation of Powers Case

The petitioners in Consumers’ Research v. CPSC lack standing to challenge the Commission’s removal protection.

Standing and Vacatur in U.S v. Texas

Standing and Vacatur in U.S v. Texas

The U.S. Supreme Court holds that states lack standing to challenge immigration prioritization guidelines.

Legislators as Defendants but Not as Plaintiffs

Legislators as Defendants but Not as Plaintiffs

The Supreme Court increased potential intervening defendants when it implicitly protected voter ID laws.

Giving California v. Texas the Attention It Deserved

Giving California v. Texas the Attention It Deserved

The Supreme Court’s latest ACA case was properly dismissed, but a waste of time.

Standing Up to Climate Change

Standing Up to Climate Change

The judicial system may need to adapt to allow climate change cases to be heard in court.