Working for Welfare Not Faring Well?
Analysts debate the effectiveness of work requirements for recipients of cash assistance in Kansas.
Why Sacramento Needs to Fix the California Environmental Quality Act
Expert argues that suits under California’s environmental law undercut housing and climate change goals.
Can States Convince People to Recycle?
Research suggests recycling laws may turn people into “committed” recyclers.
When Public Health Abuses Public Funds
The Supreme Court declines to resolve issue of whether state hospitals can be sued for false insurance claims.
Making It Easier to Practice Law
Licensing changes such as the Uniform Bar Examination may quietly tilt the status quo in the legal field.
States Move to Regulate Fantasy Sports
Numerous states are considering legislation to permit fantasy sports betting.
Booksellers Challenge Internet Law
Free speech group claims that a Louisiana law governing online content violates constitutional rights.
The Fight for the Right to Sell Cookies
Wisconsin farmers bring lawsuit challenging a state ban on the sale of homemade baked goods.
Black Friday Flourishes as Blue Laws Fade
Sales encroach on Thanksgiving Day festivities as moral laws restricting holiday retail sales disappear.
Daily Fantasy Sports Companies Take a Hit
New York Attorney General issues a letter ordering two major fantasy sports websites to cease all online bets with New York residents.
What are the Effects of State Voter Identification Laws?
A recent GAO report investigates how ID requirements impact voter turnout.
There is More to Mandatory Disclosure than Meets the Eye
“Targeted transparency” can help achieve regulatory and regulated entity goals.