State Regulation

Stomping Out the Spotted Lanternfly

Stomping Out the Spotted Lanternfly

The battle against the spotted lanternfly is hobbled by regulatory challenges.

Why the Arkansas Ban on Medical Care for Transgender Kids Is Unconstitutional

Why the Arkansas Ban on Medical Care for Transgender Kids Is Unconstitutional

The recently enacted medical ban targets transgender kids and violates the Equal Protection Clause.

Mismatched Gender Markers on State ID Cards

Mismatched Gender Markers on State ID Cards

Scholar argues for simpler processes to change gender on identification cards.

Are Vegan “Butter” and “Meat” Labels Protected as Free Speech?

Are Vegan “Butter” and “Meat” Labels Protected as Free Speech?

U.S. courts seem to recognize plant-based companies’ constitutional right to use meat and dairy advertising terms.

Pennsylvania’s Misguided Sentencing Risk-Assessment Reform

Pennsylvania’s Misguided Sentencing Risk-Assessment Reform

New risk-forecasting tool reinforces racial disparities and emphasizes future risk in criminal sentencing.

Putting the Brakes on Federal Transportation Regulation

Putting the Brakes on Federal Transportation Regulation

Policy experts argue that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s regulatory role should be reduced.

Using VSLs in State and Local COVID-19 Policy

Using VSLs in State and Local COVID-19 Policy

VSLs can serve as a foundational tool for policymakers at all levels of governance amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

A concurring opinion leaves the standard for determining the constitutionality of abortion restrictions in doubt.

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

State and local governments should embrace farmers market managers’ input on food regulation during the pandemic.

Regulating Backyard Breeders

Regulating Backyard Breeders

Scholar favors ending unregulated small-volume dog breeding.

The Health-Sharing Duck

The Health-Sharing Duck

Health care sharing ministries seem similar to traditional health insurance, but they evade the scrutiny of federal and state regulators.

State-Level Marijuana Regulation

State-Level Marijuana Regulation

As states legalize marijuana, regulators must determine how to oversee its use.