State Regulation

Regulating Sports Betting After Murphy v. NCAA

Regulating Sports Betting After Murphy v. NCAA

After a 2018 Supreme Court case, the laboratories of democracy are busy experimenting with sports betting.

Regulating Vaccination in the United States

Regulating Vaccination in the United States

Recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases fuel debate about vaccine policy.

Resurrecting the Wild Turkey

Resurrecting the Wild Turkey

Regulation, combined with other efforts, has successfully repopulated wild turkeys in the United States.

Regulating Police Body-Worn Cameras

Regulating Police Body-Worn Cameras

Law enforcements’ expanding use of cameras raises questions over how to design programs governing them.

Empirical Evidence in the Administration of Family Law

Empirical Evidence in the Administration of Family Law

Scholar proposes framework for the use of empirical evidence in child welfare policies.

Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly

Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly

Northeastern states are attempting to stop the spread of an invasive species that threatens crops.

Can Red and Purple States Go Green?

Can Red and Purple States Go Green?

Scholars argue that state policymaking cannot effectively counteract federal environmental deregulation.

The Black Box of College Admissions

The Black Box of College Admissions

State legislators and the U.S. Education Department are scrutinizing college admissions practices.

The Future Looks Bright for the Right-to-Work Movement

The Future Looks Bright for the Right-to-Work Movement

The right-to-work principle protects employee freedom not to subsidize unwanted unions.

Regulating Non-Compete Agreements

Regulating Non-Compete Agreements

Governments should place limits on non-compete agreements that apply to low-wage workers.

Strengthening Eco-Labeling Regulation

Strengthening Eco-Labeling Regulation

Scholar argues that many companies use unsubstantiated environmental claims to mislead consumers.

Lessons from State Implementation of Marijuana Legalization

Lessons from State Implementation of Marijuana Legalization

States should learn from each other to confront the challenges of regulating marijuana.