How Should Schools Regulate Cyberbullying?
Scholar discusses the importance of properly regulating cyberbullying in schools.
Evaluating Police Use of Force
Some states are using regulatory approaches to ensure the accountability of law enforcement officials.
Will the Trump Administration Drastically Deregulate Environmental Protection?
Initial signs suggest that drastic environmental deregulation looms, but there may be much less than the Administration envisions.
The Future of Occupational Licensing Reform
There has been a massive expansion in the analysis and reform of occupational licensing—a trend to be viewed with dismay.
When the Health Care Market Cannot Regulate Itself
Vermont moves to an all-payer system in regulating prices for health care services.
The Role for State Regulation of Energy Markets
Penn’s Kleinman Center for Energy Policy convenes energy policy roundtable.
President Obama Signs First Ever Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights
The bill begins to close gaps in state-by-state regulatory treatment of sexual assault survivors.
Expanding the Right to Vote
From expanding the electorate to adopting online voter registration, states and localities are engaged in democracy-enhancing efforts.
Restoring Pollution Prevention and the Concept of Positive Freedom
Scholar espouses a renewed focus on pollution prevention efforts, with an appreciation of government’s ability to effect meaningful reform.
New Regulatory Incentives to Help Small Businesses
A Small Business Administration rule would increase the availability of contracts for small businesses.