
Preventing Payola in the Music Industry

Preventing Payola in the Music Industry

Scholars discuss the practice of payola in the music industry and reforms to promote fairness for artists.

FCC’s New Rule Protects Domestic Violence Survivors’ Cell Phone Access

FCC’s New Rule Protects Domestic Violence Survivors’ Cell Phone Access

FCC says a cell phone can be an abuser’s tool of control or a survivor’s lifeline.

Should Big Tech Pay for the Use of Telecom Networks?

Should Big Tech Pay for the Use of Telecom Networks?

EU regulators are considering whether to require major technology firms to pay to use telecom networks.

Virtual Hearings in Agency Adjudication

Virtual Hearings in Agency Adjudication

ACUS assesses the changing landscape of how agencies use new technologies to hold hearings.

Can Municipal Broadband Networks Close the Digital Divide?

Can Municipal Broadband Networks Close the Digital Divide?

Local governments may be able to provide better internet access than telecom companies.

The Future of Working from Home

The Future of Working from Home

Experts address regulatory implications of the transition to remote work.

Networks Owners Rise to the Occasion Even in a Pandemic

Networks Owners Rise to the Occasion Even in a Pandemic

Private telecom and transport networks have delivered socially valuable outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ongoing Saga of Chevron and Net Neutrality

The Ongoing Saga of Chevron and Net Neutrality

The FCC’s position on internet access will continue to change unless Congress passes clear legislation.

Reforming the FCC’s Captioned Telephone Service Program

Reforming the FCC’s Captioned Telephone Service Program

The FCC ought to consider new approaches to setting rates for captioned telephone service providers.

Correcting a Persistent Myth About the Law that Created the Internet

Correcting a Persistent Myth About the Law that Created the Internet

Scholar argues that section 230 of the Communications Decency Act applies to internet platforms regardless of their “neutrality.”

Adopting Rebuttable Presumptions at the FCC

Adopting Rebuttable Presumptions at the FCC

Deregulatory rebuttable presumptions would help advance the goals of the Telecommunications Act.

Marketcraft and the Digital Economy

Marketcraft and the Digital Economy

Information technology has disrupted regulatory regimes and recast policy debates.