
President Trump’s Pretextual Justifications for Raising Tariffs on Canadian Energy

President Trump’s Pretextual Justifications for Raising Tariffs on Canadian Energy

The President’s concern about trade partners’ “cheating” is an insufficient justification for the tariffs.

Navigating Global Trade in the 21st Century

Navigating Global Trade in the 21st Century

Scholars propose WTO reforms to address growing U.S.—China economic tensions.

Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?

Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?

Food certification organizations, if backed with criminal sanctions, can help deter food fraud.

Protectionism and the Development of the U.S. Maritime Industry

Protectionism and the Development of the U.S. Maritime Industry

U.S. maritime protectionism fails policy and economic goals.

Combating Counterfeit Goods in the Age of E-Commerce

Combating Counterfeit Goods in the Age of E-Commerce

Experts explore regulatory approaches to detect and decrease the online sale of counterfeit goods.

The Global Trade Order Going Out with a Whimper

The Global Trade Order Going Out with a Whimper

The World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement system is in danger of collapse.

Inspection Practices of the Past and Future

Inspection Practices of the Past and Future

When considering future inspection practices, regulators should heed lessons from history.

Regaining Control After Brexit While Maintaining Membership in the WTO

Regaining Control After Brexit While Maintaining Membership in the WTO

If Britain has to reapply for WTO membership after Brexit, the process could take years and result in disruption to world trade.

In First Presidential Debate, Candidates Spar over Economy, Crime, Trade

In First Presidential Debate, Candidates Spar over Economy, Crime, Trade

Interspersed between jeers and jabs, substance takes center stage during widely anticipated event of the presidential race.

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 1 Recap

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 1 Recap

Following the fallout over a massive email leak, the Democratic Party sought to unite on the Convention’s opening night.