State Regulation Fosters Autonomous Vehicle Development
State and local governments compete and cooperate to attract autonomous vehicle developers.
Fixing the Shortfall in Highway Infrastructure Funding
A recent report highlights funding gaps for infrastructure and potential fixes.
U.S. Freight Customers Increasingly Taxed by Higher Rail Rates
Policymakers should promote competition to combat a rise in real rates paid by rail shippers since 2000.
Labor Without Employment
Firms have moral obligations to those who perform work regardless of employment status.
High-Speed Rail Gets On Track
A final rule published by the Federal Railroad Administration sets new standards for high-speed trains.
The Rise of Electric Scooter Regulations
U.S. cities grapple with the regulatory challenges posed by electric scooter sharing programs.
Getting Railroads to Regulate Sleep Disorders
Transportation safety agency and senators push for regulations combatting sleep apnea in rail employees.
Washington Must Act on Much Needed Improvements to Freight Rail Policies
Rail industry’s complaints about recent Surface Transportation Board proposals are misplaced.
For Agencies, Smooth and Safe Traveling Takes a Front Seat on Thanksgiving
Holiday marked by mass mobility prompts regulatory responses nationwide.
Congress Enacts Infrastructure Reform, but Implementation Lags
Transportation bill aims to bring change and certainty to the implementation of major infrastructure projects.
Washington State Adds Safety Rules for Trains Hauling Oil
Railroads face new financial and signage requirements in the Evergreen State.
Regulating Self-Driving Cars
As the technology for automated cars develops, California regulators consider how best to approach this new challenge.