Deceptive Deregulation
The Trump Administration’s claims about its deregulatory accomplishments do not withstand scrutiny.
A Decade of Political Swings, and Consistency
Presidential administrations have taken dramatically different approaches to regulation over the last ten years.
Reason Trumps Pretext
Requiring government institutions to engage in reasoned decision-making mitigates actions made in bad faith.
A Dream Deferred
An uncertain future awaits the federal program designed to benefit children of immigrants.
Legitimacy, Not Force, Is Key to Presidential Power
President Donald J. Trump’s response to police violence and peaceful protests undermines governmental legitimacy.
Undoing the Regulatory Policies of the Trump Administration
The Administration has taken an aggressive approach in using legal tools to advance its regulatory agenda.
The Trump Administration’s Pandemic Response Is Structured to Fail
Poor organizational choices have hampered the government’s management of COVID-19.
Trump’s Regulatory Budgeting Experiment Has Categorically Failed
The Trump Administration’s 1-in-2-out policy is more of an ineffective symbol than an action toward deregulation.
Proposed EPA Rule May Permit More Toxic Water Pollution
EPA’s proposed relaxation of a rule restricting water pollution from coal plants generates controversy.
Federal Agencies’ Westward Expansion
The Bureau of Land Management’s relocation sets the stage for other federal agencies to leave Washington.
Making Sense of the Trump Administration’s Regulatory Numbers
The Administration quietly released data showing its deregulatory success has been limited.
Will Steel Tariffs Mark the Demise of the WTO?
Scholar argues that Trump’s steel tariffs and the responses from other countries endanger the free trade system.