U.S. Supreme Court

Title VII and the Fight Against Sexual Harassment at Work

Title VII and the Fight Against Sexual Harassment at Work

Courts examine the impact of Title VII and how the prevention of workplace sexual harassment intersects.

The Fight for Birthright Citizenship

The Fight for Birthright Citizenship

Scholars discuss the history of birthright citizenship and its modern importance.

The Spectrum of Gender-Affirming Care Regulations

The Spectrum of Gender-Affirming Care Regulations

An upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case may change the landscape of gender-affirming care regulations.

The Rights of Same-Sex Couples in the Coming Administration

The Rights of Same-Sex Couples in the Coming Administration

The incoming Trump Administration threatens the current constitutionality of same-sex marriage.

The Important Case that Most People Know Nothing About

The Important Case that Most People Know Nothing About

United States v. Eaton serves as the constitutional basis for thousands of executive branch decisions.

Supreme Court Should Not Review Phony Separation of Powers Case

Supreme Court Should Not Review Phony Separation of Powers Case

The petitioners in Consumers’ Research v. CPSC lack standing to challenge the Commission’s removal protection.

A Legal Earthquake

A Legal Earthquake

With several key decisions this term, the Supreme Court has shaken up prevailing governing doctrines and produced substantial legal uncertainty.

The Imperial Supreme Court

The Imperial Supreme Court

Loper Bright significantly expands the power of the Supreme Court at the expense of democratic institutions of government.

After Murthy v. Missouri, Diffuse Jawboning Remains Murky

After Murthy v. Missouri, Diffuse Jawboning Remains Murky

The Court acknowledges governments’ increasing interests in regulating online speech but provides little guidance.

The End of the Chevron Era

The End of the Chevron Era

The Administrative Procedure Act empowers courts—not agencies—to decide a statute’s single best meaning.

What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB

What the Starbucks Decision Means for the NLRB

An overlooked Supreme Court decision may give courts more discretion to second-guess the NLRB.

Supreme Court Allows Cities to Punish Homelessness

Supreme Court Allows Cities to Punish Homelessness

A new decision takes a narrow view of the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause.