Keeping School Children Fed and Healthy

Keeping School Children Fed and Healthy

School lunch regulation takes on new importance during COVID-19, as families struggle to access nutritious meals.

Putting a Label on Farm Animal Welfare

Putting a Label on Farm Animal Welfare

Scholar argues that inconsistent animal welfare labeling practices harm consumers.

The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

Starting in 2022, food producers will be required to label genetically engineered foods.

The Future of Maine’s Food Sovereignty Movement

The Future of Maine’s Food Sovereignty Movement

The increasing popularity of municipal regulation over food production in Maine may attract federal preemption challenges.

The Long Road to SNAP

The Long Road to SNAP

U.S. food stamp programs grapple with a new wave of scrutiny.

The Regulation of American Archaeology

The Regulation of American Archaeology

Federal regulation of domestic and international archaeology comes from a variety of agencies.

Regulating Hemp

Regulating Hemp

After a long struggle, farmers will soon be able to grow industrial hemp in the United States.

Meat and Meat Alternatives Regulation

Meat and Meat Alternatives Regulation

As people consume less meat and more meat alternatives, regulators have a role to play in ensuring accurate consumer information and safety.

Meatpackers Piggyback on Department of Agriculture Deregulation

Meatpackers Piggyback on Department of Agriculture Deregulation

New pork processing rule assigns inspection duties to plant workers and removes cap on processing line speed.

Resurrecting the Wild Turkey

Resurrecting the Wild Turkey

Regulation, combined with other efforts, has successfully repopulated wild turkeys in the United States.

Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly

Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly

Northeastern states are attempting to stop the spread of an invasive species that threatens crops.

Regulations Coming Soon for Lab-Grown Meat

Regulations Coming Soon for Lab-Grown Meat

FDA and USDA’s plan to jointly regulate lab-made meat raises new questions for the future of food regulation.