Scarcity Issues in Water Rights
Scholars explore the regulatory issues surrounding water rights nationally and internationally.
Confronting the Public Health Threat of Septic Tanks
As climate change amplifies the risks of septic tanks, lawmakers must act to protect their communities.
You Need to See It to Believe It
Scholars argue that the use of visual media in federal rulemaking promotes democratic values.
Latest Interpretation of Clean Water Act Creates Circuit Split
Courts disagree over the Clean Water Act’s applicability to the discharge of pollutants into groundwater.
Get Moving With Climate Action
Former EPA Administrator urges the public to take action against climate change.
The Pitfalls of Consistent Cost-Benefit Analyses
A one-size-fits-all approach to cost-benefit analysis won’t necessarily ensure better policy.
The Quagmire Created by National Association of Manufacturers v. DOD
Ruling may lead to protracted and conflicting litigation over EPA’s Clean Water Rule.