How Regulators Should Supervise Software
The CFTC and other regulators should evaluate with caution proposals to automate financial transactions.
The Hidden Governance in AI
Measurement modeling could further the government’s understanding of AI policymaking tools.
Procurement as an AI Governance Change Agent
Soft law standards can promote responsible procurement of artificial intelligence systems.
Responsible AI is a Management Problem, Not a Purchase
Developing ongoing programs to monitor AI and sustain good outcomes is essential to ensure AI accountability.
How Can Governments Use AI to Improve Procurement?
By using artificial intelligence, agencies can improve their procurement processes.
Using AI to Reduce Performance Risk in U.S. Procurement
Advances in digital technology can help in managing the goals of federal acquisition.
Retooling the Acquisition Gateway for Responsible AI
For government to make the most of artificial intelligence, it needs changes throughout the procurement life cycle.
Artificial Intelligence and Procurement
Experts analyze how procurement could improve AI—and how AI could improve procurement.
The Procurement Path to AI Governance
Procurement standards could promote responsible use of artificial intelligence by government.
Does DARPA’s Legal Structure Lead to Ethical Lapses?
The agency’s design allows it to develop advanced technologies, some of which present ethical implications.
The “Tyrant Test” for New Surveillance Technologies
Scholar offers approach to surveillance technologies based on Fourth Amendment principles.
Can Privacy Regulations Outsmart Smart Toys?
Scholars examine privacy regulations concerning smart toys for children.