
Unlocking the Potential Between Blockchain and Antitrust

Unlocking the Potential Between Blockchain and Antitrust

The tech and legal communities should recognize the complementary nature of antitrust law and blockchain.

Taking Hearing Aids Over the Counter

Taking Hearing Aids Over the Counter

FDA proposes a new rule to permit the purchase of hearing aids without a prescription.

Empathy in an Automated State

Empathy in an Automated State

Increased use of artificial intelligence in public administration calls for efforts to give government a human touch.

Tearing Down Terrorist Content Online

Tearing Down Terrorist Content Online

Scholar urges policymakers to impose liability on platforms that spread terrorist content.

Closing Gaps in Energy Cybersecurity

Closing Gaps in Energy Cybersecurity

GAO finds that the Energy Department needs to do more to address cybersecurity risks.

Pushing Social Media Platforms to Self-Regulate

Pushing Social Media Platforms to Self-Regulate

Social media companies may increase content oversight if motivated by federal incentives and liabilities.

The Social Responsibility of Social Media Platforms

The Social Responsibility of Social Media Platforms

Scholar weighs options for putting an end to harmful speech on social media platforms.

Robots Reviewing Agency Rules

Robots Reviewing Agency Rules

Scholar warns that using artificial intelligence to revise agency rules may compromise democratic ideals.

Could Biometric Tracking Harm Workers?

Could Biometric Tracking Harm Workers?

Expert urges regulators to restrict how companies can access and use employee health data.

The Space Debris Race

The Space Debris Race

Scholar evaluates options to strengthen international space debris regulations.

Regulating the Sale and Use of Hidden Cameras

Regulating the Sale and Use of Hidden Cameras

Regulators should restrict the sale and access of covert cameras but not ban them outright.

Algorithmic Decisions and Their Human Consequences

Algorithmic Decisions and Their Human Consequences

A Federal Trade Commissioner urges the agency to take action to prevent bias in computer algorithms.