Can Netflix Win on Neutrality?
The growing popularity of online video streaming forces the issue of network usage fees.
Too Many Eyes on the Road
Existing federal privacy laws may not cover data collected from autonomous vehicles.
Addressing the Medical Device Safety Crisis
Scholar calls on FDA to prioritize public health by reforming medical device regulation.
Regulating Domestic Drone Use
Regulators struggle to balance privacy, security, safety, and innovation in drone regulations.
The Case for Local Control in Internet Regulation
Scholars advocate an expansive role for local decision-making in internet governance.
How Will Health Care Regulators Address Artificial Intelligence?
Policymakers around the world are developing guidelines for use of artificial intelligence in health care.
State Regulation Fosters Autonomous Vehicle Development
State and local governments compete and cooperate to attract autonomous vehicle developers.
Collecting Information on Artificial Intelligence
Scholar advocates new research on current and emerging uses of advanced technologies.
Balancing Liberty and the Public Interest in Loot Box Regulation
Loot boxes pose a regulatory challenge in the United States.
Medical AI Regulators Should Learn from the Global Financial Crisis
In regulating AI in medicine, FDA should exercise care in implementing a principles-based framework.
Protecting Student Data Privacy in the Digital Age
Experts recommend policies to enhance student data privacy in education technology platforms.