Countering Bias in Algorithmic Hiring Tools
Regulators struggle to counter bias in hiring because algorithms reproduce existing inequalities.
Combating Counterfeit Goods in the Age of E-Commerce
Experts explore regulatory approaches to detect and decrease the online sale of counterfeit goods.
Regulating the Sports of the Future
Scholars discuss how the rise of eSports—playing video games for an audience—poses new regulatory challenges.
How Artificial Intelligence Can Combat Climate Change
Scholar explains how regulators can use artificial intelligence as an effective tool for slowing climate change.
Responding to Deepfakes and Disinformation
Experts assess ways that regulation might respond to the problems of deepfakes and disinformation.
Can Municipal Broadband Networks Close the Digital Divide?
Local governments may be able to provide better internet access than telecom companies.
A New Digital Age Privacy Protection Agency Holds Promise
The Data Protection Act of 2021 would strengthen public safeguards over big data.
The Future of Working from Home
Experts address regulatory implications of the transition to remote work.
What Is the Future of Social Media Regulation?
Justice Thomas signals the potential for regulation of social media platforms and their power over speech.
Maintaining Local Values in the Face of Digital Platforms
Academics argue that city authorities could cooperate with tech companies to align their values.
Addressing Big Tech’s Power Over Speech
Antitrust has a role in addressing the considerable power social media companies possess over speech.
Reconstructing Expertise to Combat Financial Risk
Scholar argues that U.S. financial regulators need a revived research agency.