Restoring Trust in the Media
Scholar argues for increased regulation of news media to promote fairness and objectivity.
The Dawn of a New Era for Copyright Online
Recent legislation that targets illegal digital streaming provides a template for digital copyright law.
Smoking Out E-Cigarettes
Scholars examine the regulation of electronic cigarettes and their impact on public health.
The Cowboy State Tames Bitcoin’s Regulatory Wild West
Wyoming’s first cryptocurrency bank may herald a new era of U.S. cryptocurrency regulation.
A Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Passport System Is Still Premature
Questions of equity, access, and privacy demand answers before a vaccine passport will work.
Facing Bias in Facial Recognition Technology
Experts advocate robust regulation of facial recognition technology to reduce discriminatory outcomes.
Supreme Court Reinstates Barriers to Abortion by Telemedicine
The Court requires in-person visits for patients seeking medication abortion despite the risks of COVID-19.
How Should the United States Protect Data?
Scholars suggest ways for the U.S. Congress to implement a federal data privacy policy.
Biometric Data and Midnight Regulations
The Biden Administration should assess the long-term effect of a Trump era biometric data collection policy.
Finding Common Rules to Wrangle Big Data
Scholar argues for unified rules of data governance to achieve fairness, efficiency, and stability.
Reconsidering the Internet’s Liability Shield
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act faces criticism from across the political spectrum.
Google’s Break
In one of the biggest antitrust cases in a generation, the Justice Department opted for a narrow claim.