The Ongoing Saga of Chevron and Net Neutrality
The FCC’s position on internet access will continue to change unless Congress passes clear legislation.
Understand the Internet’s Most Important Law Before Changing It
To determine whether to modify liability protection for internet companies, more information will be needed.
Put the Phone Down
Scholar argues that the government should regulate app developers to prevent technology addiction.
Reforming the FCC’s Captioned Telephone Service Program
The FCC ought to consider new approaches to setting rates for captioned telephone service providers.
Creating a Right to Disconnect
Scholar recommends regulatory protections that would limit electronic correspondence after the workday.
Using Machine Learning to Improve the U.S. Government
Governmental use of artificial intelligence can fit well within existing administrative law constraints.
Regulatory Solutions for Personalized Pricing
Scholars consider methods for regulating individualized prices based on personal data.
Correcting a Persistent Myth About the Law that Created the Internet
Scholar argues that section 230 of the Communications Decency Act applies to internet platforms regardless of their “neutrality.”
Curbing Ticket Bots
GAO describes potential solutions to limit the use of automated software in the ticket marketplace.
Responding to Human Germline Editing
Recent allegations over a controversial scientist highlight challenges for regulating medical genetics.
Strengthening Accountability for Aviation Safety
Requiring airplane manufacturing CEOs to certify airplane safety could prevent tragedies.