Updating Telephone Technology for the Deaf Community
The FCC proposes updates to its requirement that companies support particular telephone technology for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
The FCC Takes Steps Toward Unlocking the Set-Top Box
Policy researcher argues that the FCC’s newest proposal for set-top boxes is set up to fail.
First-ever Incentive Auction Finally Begins
FCC launches complex process to reallocate airwaves for broadcasters and wireless companies.
States Move to Regulate Fantasy Sports
Numerous states are considering legislation to permit fantasy sports betting.
Move Over 4G LTE, Get Ready for 5G
Industry and regulators move forward on next generation wireless broadband.
We Are All Publicists Now
The last five years saw a fundamental shift in how the government interacts with the public.
Are Broadband Providers Putting Consumers’ Privacy at Risk?
Advocacy groups push the FCC to address data sharing among Internet companies.
Booksellers Challenge Internet Law
Free speech group claims that a Louisiana law governing online content violates constitutional rights.
Creating Guidance for an Invisible Threat
FDA issues new guidelines to medical device manufacturers to mitigate cybersecurity concerns.
Solving the FBI-Apple Dispute
Apple-FBI dispute highlights the value of improving law enforcement’s technical capacity.
FCC to Consider Unlocking the Cable Box
Chairman Wheeler seeks to promote competition in the video services market by unlocking the set-top box.