FCC Mulls Revising Sports Blackout Rules
U.S. broadcast regulator accepts comments on petition to revise rules.
Coast Guard Seeks Partners to Help Stave Off Spectrum Crisis
Public-private research partnerships would explore alternatives to GPS.
FCC Chair Outlines Plan for Closing the Digital Divide
Draft order circulating to Commissioners would aim to increase broadband access in low-income communities.
A Backwards Idea from the FCC
The public should not be required to submit copies of material cited in rulemaking comments.
A Call for a Radical New Communications Policy
The FCC should regulate like antitrust agencies, providing competition-based ex post remedies.
Should the FTC Regulate Privacy on Social Networking Sites?
A recent paper argues that regulation of social networking sites could help protect privacy and reduce litigation.
Senate Fails to Overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules
New “open Internet” regulations survive congressional challenge.
NSTC Issues Report on Government Involvement in Standards Development
Agencies should aim to support, not lead the development of technological standards, except in specific instances.
Regulating Telecommunications Networks
Recent book proposes critical framework for analyzing and regulating networks.
An Executive Order to Stop Future WikiLeaks
President Obama issued an executive order to safeguard confidential information transferred on government networks.
NSF and White House Address Work-Life Balance for Scientists
Agency initiative aims to retain more women in STEM fields.
FCC Repeals the Fairness Doctrine and Other Regulations
Repeal follows Commission’s announced plan to remove rules that are out of date.