Should the Federal Government Allow States to Require Medicaid Recipients to Work?
A federal judge strikes a blow to two states’ Medicaid work requirements.
Do the Results of the EU Better Regulation Program Match Its Ambitions?
The Better Regulation program, built over the past two decades, has allowed the EU to regulate more effectively.
Can Sandboxes Protect Your Pocketbook?
The CFPB has proposed new regulatory tools to promote innovation in the financial services sector.
How the Trump Administration Might Defend Its Border Emergency
The validity of the newest national emergency could be supported by decades-old emergencies.
Latest Interpretation of Clean Water Act Creates Circuit Split
Courts disagree over the Clean Water Act’s applicability to the discharge of pollutants into groundwater.
A Simpler and Less Adversarial System Would Be More Just
Improving the justice system requires more than just using technology and relaxing requirements for lawyers.
Invoking a Right to Try in Regenerative Medicine
Scholars caution against using the Right to Try Act to skirt regulation for regenerative therapies.
Working for Welfare Not Faring Well?
Analysts debate the effectiveness of work requirements for recipients of cash assistance in Kansas.
Ordering Agencies to Violate the Law
President Trump’s regulatory budget executive order withholds agency action and harms the American public.
On Teaching Compliance
Compliance should be incorporated into administrative law as well as offered as a separate upper-class course.
Penn Seminar Explores Risk Management as Instrument for Economic Development
Authors of World Bank report advocate move from ‘crisis fighting’ to systematic risk management.