Navigating the Currents of Electric Vehicles
Steven Croley, general counsel of Ford Motor Company, discusses regulatory implications of a shift to electric powered automobiles.
Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech
Lawyer explores corporate governance issues in financial technology firms and proposes reforms.
Strengthening Democracy Through Tax Policy
Scholar proposes a set of democracy-centered criteria for evaluating tax regulations.
Is AI-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence the Next Pandemic?
The rise of deep fakes and other AI-generated misinformation presents a direct threat to women’s freedom.
Gambling on Legal Verdicts
Scholars propose regulatory safeguards for the burgeoning third-party litigation finance industry.
Why Metaphors Matter in AI Law and Policy
Scholar warns that figures of speech play an outsized role in shaping artificial intelligence regulation.
Regulating the Great Indoors
Scholar argues that environmental law and policy should expand its scope to inside areas.
Harnessing AI to Combat Climate Change
At a Penn Program on Regulation workshop, Cass Sunstein explains how AI can help consumers make climate-friendly choices.
The Case for Plural Business Purposes
Businesses should embrace corporate purposes beyond profit maximization.
Regulating Wartime Artificial Intelligence
Scholar analyzes potential strategies to regulate wartime use of artificial intelligence.
SCOTUS Must Not Look Away as Pregnant Patients Suffer
The Supreme Court must maintain pregnant people’s right to receive emergency medical care—including abortion.